R&D / Design Central Control System

R&D /Design Central Control System Features
R&D or Design Center are units organized as a separate unit within the organizational structure of the enterprise, carrying out research and development activities in the country, having sufficient
R&D experience and capability, and located in the same building.
It is necessary to fulfill some obligations in order to become an R&D and Design Center and to benefit from government incentives related to this issue.
One of these obligations is to have mechanisms such as access control systems, turnstiles and cameras, by which physical control of the personnel’s work in the R&D or design center can be made.
Today, many companies have started to benefit from the support provided by the state while focusing on innovation, R&D and design works by establishing an R&D or design center, and this number continues to increase.
In order for companies to benefit from these incentives provided by the state, it is necessary to limit the passage of personnel working in R&D or design centers and to inform the ministry of their
working hours. This can only be achieved with an access control system and software.
Controlled passages of R&D or design centers are carried out with devices such as card readers,
fingerprint devices, face recognition readers, and their tracking is carried out with software prepared
according to the requested features.
In addition, not only card readers, fingerprint and face recognition devices, these controlled passages
can be made with turnstile systems in larger enterprises.