Advantages of Vehicle Access Control Systems

Advantages of Vehicle Access Control Systems

Vehicle access control systems; is the system used to provide general entry-exit control in places where vehicle circulation is high in line with the rapidly increasing number of vehicles these days.

Especially in places where security and control levels are kept high, such as schools, multiple housing estates, shopping malls, indoor/outdoor parking lots, the use of controlled passage has become inevitable.

At the points where control is desired, security is taken to the highest level, foreign vehicle parking and entry-exit are prevented. All crossings are based on permission, uncontrolled passages are prevented and safe and fast transition is ensured. Thus, undesirable situations can be easily avoided.

We can sort Polimek vehicle access control systems below, which vary according to the area of ​​use;

  • Arm barrier
  • Mushroom barrier
  • Road blocker

Arm barrier systems are used in public settlements; It can used as an OGS system with a remote control, card reader or RFID readers, and also there is a broken arm option.

Mushroom barriers and road blockers are used in public pedestrian crossing areas where high-level security measures must be taken. While preventing vehicle crossings, they do not prevent bicycle, pedestrian or motor passages.

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