Shopping Centers Security Measures ( X-ray Luggage Scanning )


Shopping malls are one of the places where human density is the most.

Today, the number of shopping centers has increased considerably and still continues to increase.

The increase in the number of shopping malls shows that the demand for these places is also high.

Therefore, life and property safety of stores, employees, customers and visitors has become a more important issue, and this issue has started to be considered more.

In addition to shopping malls, shopping malls are also; It also includes events such as entertainment, culture, arts, concerts and organizations.

Such events cause an increase in the number of visitors.

This is one of the factors that increase the need for security.

Security of shopping malls is generally; camera and alarm systems, parking lot and shopping mall entrance and exit control, and a sufficient number of security guards according to the size of the mall and the number of doors.

Camera and alarm systems may not always be an effective method for security. It is used to detect any threat situation, but an officer is needed in the intervention part.

Polimek Elektronik provides security solutions such as patrol tour control systems, x-ray baggage scanner and walk through metal detectors for such security problems.

With the patrol control system, the points determined by the guards are controlled at certain times and there is a chance to intervene in the threats that may occur or may occur in that region.

At the same time, it prevents any dangers that may occur with the security screening made with detectors and xray luggage scanner at the shopping mall entrances.

In recent years, researches on the allegations that adequate security measures were not taken in shopping centers revealed security gaps in a significant majority of shopping centers.

It turned out that the parking lot entrances and exits of many of them are not adequately controlled and that the necessary security measures are not taken in the goods acceptance sections of many of the same shopping malls.

The goods acceptance part of the shopping centers is at least as important as the customer entrances and exits.

Considering the possibility of potentially threatening substances in the parcels from which the products come from, x-ray luggage scanner or walk through metal detector measures should be taken to the product acceptance departments.

This technology, which has started to be applied in large chain stores today, is expected to be applied to all shopping centers and retail sector in the future.


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